In order for your employee to save money.. What needs (salt it)

Saving and saving are a basic feature found in humans and have continued throughout history with available possibilities. In ancient times, humans used to save their food in many ways and in different environments in order to save it and benefit from it another day. The idea of drying food was widespread among the Saxon peoples. Drying was used to preserve fruits and vegetables. This method is based on removing water from food, reducing the growth of bacteria and mold. The drying process was carried out by the sun or by placing it in special ovens. While in very cold areas, they used the method of freezing and frozen food in caves. In hot environments, they resorted to salting meat, fish and vegetables for a longer period and making use of them in the winter seasons or during periods of food shortage, all of which achieve the same goal, which is to preserve food and save it for another day. The most important of these technical solutions is Walaa Afar, which provides its user with a technical and simple solution that enables During which he saved and saved his money.

Well, what is the beard of this best loyalty?

It is a Kafu program that combines discounts and offers in one place and application and gives your employees unlimited use of offers in order to save them money

Ok, how many offers are there in Walaa Awfar and how many brands are there?

More than 5000 offers and discounts in more than 1800 well-known brands locally and globally

Ok, the discounts are reasonable and cover all fields! ?

All fields without exception

Because it has 14 sections

It is varied and covers all you need

(Online shops - restaurants - clubs - cafes - furniture - education - travel and tourism - cars - personal care - supplies for men and women) and everything your employee needs

So how do your employees benefit from better loyalty?

As long as you came this way, you said the previous one

Our young people have thought of many solutions

How can Ofer's loyalty save money for the user

Without having to salt it

They have provided you with 3 ways to make you benefit from them in a better loyalty

- Search (you search for the store by its name)

- Categories (browse the sections and see what you like)

- Map (opens the map and shows you the stores near you that offer their offers in Loyalty Offer)

All you have to do is to benefit from better loyalty

Before buying anything, he will release his phone and open a better loyalty

And of course, of course, the thing he wants will happen with a special discount

And the discount will save your employee dirhams at the end of the month

He is happy throughout the month

One last question

If there is no greater loyalty... Do you salt or dry your money?