What is employee appreciation?
What is employee appreciation?
What does employee grade look like?
It is the appreciation of an employee for his efforts and contributions to his organization. This may be with a moral, in-kind or financial reward at times. Employee appreciation has many forms, but whatever your approach, it is one of the most focused areas in improving employee engagement, reducing labor turnover, increasing productivity and boosting morale. Therefore, major companies and organizations rely on the correct implementation of employee appreciation through incentive programs.
Employee appreciation
Who does the recognition and motivation?
Ideally, everyone in the organization should be able to give incentives and appreciation to others. Therefore, the effectiveness of this statement is based on the situation and the circumstances.
Recognition and recognition from top to bottom
In traditional systems, employee motivation and recognition come from senior positions. This is a great model for many reasons: because these leaders are usually in decision-making roles, and recognition is often in the form of a bonus or promotion.
However, the process of recognition and motivation is not an easy process but rather difficult and stressful for leaders and officials because there are many daily contributions that deserve recognition and recognition. In order for leaders to perform this process more effectively, they have no choice but to deal with the annual employee evaluation.
Unfortunately, annual evaluations are a source of stress and usually highlight only the biggest and most visible employee contributions. This does not mean that managers should not recognize and appreciate their employees. Quite the contrary, but it is good to involve the rest of the employees in the process of recognition and motivation.
Recognition from peers
In a peer recognition system, managers and coworkers are able to recognize and reward everyone for their contributions. The advantage is that managers will recognize the employee for the overall performance of his job only. The employee's colleagues work directly with him and are in a much better position to recognize the daily contributions and understand the immediate impact of those contributions,
We also can't ignore the benefits of recognition and motivation from the bottom up. Managers need recognition, too! Recognition is an incentive for all, even those in senior positions.
Will the Incentive and Recognition Program work for me?
With a short answer yes, all organizations and companies can greatly benefit from incentive and recognition programs.
When you activate a system of incentives and recognition, you give employees a way to celebrate each other's achievements. These interactions help build stronger teams, cultivate a culture of engagement, and motivate employees to do their job better.
For information, companies that registered a culture of valuing and motivating employees with a high percentage had lower labor turnover rates than their counterparts by 31%.
What will the employee recognition and incentive program cost me?
Most organizations spend a lot of money on employee incentives and recognition without a program to motivate and recognize employees such as organizing lunches, buying gifts... etc. This method tends to consume the time of leaders and HR staff.
Therefore, an effective incentive program usually covers its costs in terms of increasing motivation, productivity, participation, and raising employee retention rates. See the prices of the incentive program from Walaa Plus.
Understanding the process of motivating and valuing employees is only the first step. Follow our next articles to learn the importance of valuing and motivating employees. You can also read more information about the advantages of Walaa Plus's incentive program. Do not forget to also review the ideas of using the incentive program that will help you understand how this program works to build a culture of motivation and appreciation in your organization.